Getting involved

One thing that I find when people begin talking about a particular social injustice, and how everyone should be getting involved in it is that you don’t know where to start.
When I first heard of this issue a number of years ago now, I did not know what I could do to help. I was only a young teenager, no job, unable to go and do things by myself. What could I do, how could I make a difference in someone else’s life?

Firstly there are the simple donations,  helping to provide financial assistance to those organisations that rescue people from human trafficking situations. Secondly there is getting involved on a more personal scale to take part in one of the many organisiatons that exist to stop human trafficking, volenteering and working alongside these victims to build them a better and brighter future. Holding events that get people movtivated to do something about this injustice, to have people speak about human trafficking and holding fundraising events. Or even just telling friends and family about it, to get them to help you provide assistance to these people.

If together we can unite across the globe, we can put an end to this injustice. If people wake up to this crime and its realities then we can finally find a sustainable solution to the issue and rescue people out of these horrible situations and circumstances. I found just the other day this TED talk done on helping to combat human trafficking. It discusses how we can make a difference (although on a more global scale) in these people’s lives, and how we shouldn’t be discouraged by the sheer size of the issue. Kevin Bales shows how this injustice can be stopped, that all it would take is mainly determination and conviction from across the globe to eradicate slavery.

So I hope before you log off your computer and go back to your life and forget all about this, that you take a moment to see that you can make a difference, that you can help to save someone’s life.